The judges gave them high scores for synchronized bubbles. | Love their beautiful smiles.
Last week, I had the good fortune to photograph a pair of young, talented, and accomplished athletes named Tessa and Scott. What’s wild is that I had no idea of just how talented and accomplished they were (because busy me couldn’t find all of 30 seconds to Google them). Also, I nearly declined the project because I only work with individuals on headshot/publicity photos — not with couples or groups. Thankfully, Tessa’s mother Kate, who had contacted me, was very patient and persistent, and she gave me the URL to Tessa and Scott’s official website. Here I learned two important pieces of information that convinced me I had to photograph them: Tessa’s favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn, and her favorite TV show is “Flight of the Conchords.” Audrey is also my favorite actress, and I had just recently discovered FOTC (on DVD) and become completely smitten with the show.So Bret and Jemaine, you guys (unwittingly) played a pivotal role in my not turning down the chance to photograph a couple of lovely people, who also happen to be likely medal winners at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Whodathunkit? Chaos theory strikes again!